2Unpacking to Installation
2.2 Installation
2.2.1 Unpacking
Fig.2-1 : Unpacking the robot arm
The robot is shipped from the factory in cardboard and plywood frame packing. Always refer to
unpack the robot. Be sure to transport the RH-6SQH series according to
dures(Transportation by people: RH-6SQH series)",
and transport the RH-12SQH/18SQH series according to
"2.2.3 Transportation procedures(Transporting with a crane: RH-12SQH/18SQH series)"
1) HUsing a knife, etc., slit the tape <1> fixing the upper lid <2> of the cardboard box. (
2) Pull the upper lid <2> of the cardboard box off with both hands. (
3) Remove the hexagon socket bolts <3> (four positions) connecting the sleeper and the base unit. (
4) This completes the unpacking.
When repackaging the robot in the wooden frame, always use the fixing plate.
Fixing plate A
<2> Upper lid
Pull off
Robot arm
<1> Tape
Fixing plate B
Fixing base
<3> Hexagon socket bolts
(Four positions)
Always unpack the
robot at a flat place.
The robot could tilt
over if unpacked at an
unstable place.