A d d i n g n e w d r i v e s
Refit the system side panels, metal plate and bezel insert.
It will now be necessary to run the disk preparation utilities to
partition and format the disk to your requirements. Your software
guide or the operating system HELP should provide information on
this topic.
Fitting new drives/accessories
There is sometimes a requirement to fit extra components into the
system, such as Tape drives, extra CD-ROM drives etc.
The drive or accessory you are about to install should have fixing
and installation instructions with it, making it a fairly simple task. If
you do not feel confident about the procedure you could have your
supplier or service organisation complete it for you.
1. Turn off the computer and unplug all power cords. Take
suitable anti-static precautions and remove both of the system
side panels. It may also be necessary to remove the top panel.
Detailed instructions for this are given in chapter 1.
If you are unfamiliar with the recommended anti-static precautions,
refer to the antistatic section at the rear of this handbook.
2. Carefully remove the front bezel blanking insert by pushing it
off from the rear with a blunt point. A hole for this is provided
inside the system, alongside the metal drive cage.
3. Pull out the blanking plate on the front of the internal drive
bay metalwork.
4. Check before sliding the device into the system, that any
required links have been correctly set, for example, SCSI ‘ID’.
5. Carefully slide the new device into the bay and secure it with
screws on both sides, as illustrated at the beginning of this
chapter. Make sure that the front of the device is aligned as
close as possible to the front bezel.
6. Connect a suitable power cable from one of the available
unused ones.