Section 3 – Using the Enhanced Functions
In order to configure your modem and use its enhanced functions it must be connected
to the serial port of a PC running terminal software such as Terminal, HMI Tools
\Modem, Hyper-Terminal or ProComm Plus. This section describes how this is done.
3.1 Setting the Modem with Terminal Software
The modem is pre-set to communicate at
Baud with
data bits,
stop bit and
parity. Flow control or Hardware Handshake is
. The terminal software must
therefore be set to match these parameters in order to communicate at all.
3.1.1 Connecting the Modem to a PC
To connect the modem to a PC, use a suitable RS232 modem cable (accessory
MODEM-PC9-CAB), wiring for such a cable is shown in section 7.2.3.
When the modem is connected, any characters typed at the terminal software will be
echoed back by the modem.
When the modem is communicating with PC terminal software it can be configured
using AT commands, so called because they are all preceded with the letters AT. A
full list of these commands is given in section 5. The modem is supplied with all
essential parameters for plug and play already set, but if these are lost for any reason
the device can be reprogrammed with the following command string:
AT&F&D0S0=1 &W0
(all 0’s are zeros)
(version 1.20 or later)
3.1.2 Configuring the Modem
Before the modem can be connected to a PC/Laptop, PLC or an HMI it will be
necessary to set the modem to the correct protocol. Just as the HMI, for example,
requires to know what PLC it is connected to, the modem has special protocol settings
for different configurations. Refer to section 5.9 for a list of protocol settings and use
the following command string,
(x = protocol setting)
Example 3-1
Protocol settings
AT%ADP=0 (or 1) Modem connected to a PC/Laptop (default)*
AT%ADP=3 Modem connected to an FX PLC
AT%ADP=A Modem connected to an AnS PLC via an E HMI
* Earlier versions before 1.20 were set to protocol 1.