Chapter 7 Home Networking
7.7 The File Sharing Screen
You can share files on a USB memory stick or hard drive connected to your Device with users on
your network.
Router Preference
Select the router preference (
) for the Device. The Device sends
this preference in the router advertisements to tell hosts what preference they
should use for the Device. This helps hosts to choose their default router especially
when there are multiple IPv6 router in the network.
Note: Make sure the hosts also support router preference to make this function
Reachable Time
Enter the time in milliseconds that can elapse before a neighbor is detected. Possible
values for this field are 0-3600000.
Retrans Timer (ms)
Enter the time in milliseconds between neighbor solicitation packet retransmissions.
Possible values for this field are 1000-4294967295.
RA Interval
Enter the time in seconds between router advertisement messages. Possible values
for this field are 4-1800.
Delegate MTU from
Select this to have the Device obtain the MTU setting from the service provider or
uplink router.
Select this to specify the MTU manually.
The Maximum Transmission Unit. Type the maximum size of each IPv6 data packet,
in bytes, that can move through this interface. If a larger packet arrives, the Device
divides it into smaller fragments.
DAD attempts
Specify the number of DAD (Duplicate Address Detection) attempts before an IPv6
address is assigned to the Device LAN interface. Possible values for this field are 1-7.
Click this to save your changes.
Click this to restore your previously saved settings.
Advanced Setup
Click this to close the
IPv6 LAN Setup Advanced Setup
Table 30
Network Setting > Home Networking > IPv6 LAN Setup (continued)