away from the base station the same distance in every direction without the radio signal breaking
up. This does not take account of the topology that attenuates the signal’s propagation.
Figure 2: Doughnut-shaped radio characteristic of a DECT base station
The radio characteristic within the area to be covered is influenced by the objects and materials
located in the buildings. The doughnut-shaped radio characteristic is therefore deformed
accordingly depending on local circumstances.
Figure 3: Radio characteristic through obstacles to radio propagation
For a better understanding of the explanations on physical conditions given in the following
sections, we first need to take a look at the basic principles of high-frequency propagation.
The method under discussion here is DECT standard, which operates in the 1880 ... 1900 MHz
frequency range and provides 120 communication channels.
All cordless telephony systems are subject in principle to the descriptions below. The experience
gained in planning any system will be very useful when it comes to planning DECT systems.
The knowledge of potential causes for interference can raise the project engineer’s awareness
to such an extent that many critical points can be avoided already at the design stage of the