MIRANA AIR FOOTBALL PRO Instructions Download Page 2


If you plan to stop use for a long time, make 

sure the product is not completely discharged. 

If necessary, use a wet towel to gently wipe the 

football body to clean it.


Don’t expose this product to direct sunlight, high 

humidity, or high temperature. Don’t immerse this 

product in water to avoid damaging its electronic 

components. Before using, please ensure that the 

product is not damaged, if found, please repair it. 

The operating temperature is 0-50oC.



The symbol indicates that this product and/or 

battery should not be disposed with household 

waste. When you decide to dispose of this 

product and / or its battery, do so in accordance 

with local environmental laws and guidelines.

�ागत है 

चलो शु� कर�। इस फुटबॉल को शु� करने  के �लए पावर बटन 

दबाएं। पहली बार उपयोग के �लए इस उ�ाद को फुल चाजर् कर�। 

कृपया आप इस उ�ाद का उपयोग करने से पहले इस द�ावेज़ और 

सुरक्षा सूचना मागर्द�शर्का को �ान से पढ़�। �व�ृत समथर्न जानकार� 

के �लए, www.miranatoys.com/airfootball पर जाएं

अ��नर्�हत बैटर� 

बैटर� को �यं बदलने या हटाने का �यास न कर�-आप बैटर� को 

नुकसान पहुंचा सकते ह�, �जससे ओवरहीिटंग और चोट लग सकती 

है। अंत�नर्�हत बैटर� को अ�धकृत सेवा �दाता द्वारा ��त�ािपत िकया 

जाना चा�हए, और इसे घरेलू कचरे से अलग करके पुननर्वीनीकरण 

या �नपटान िकया जाना चा�हए। 


४ या उससे कम उ� के ब�� को यह उ�ाद न द�। अ� �बजली के 

उ�ाद� क� तरह, �बजली के झटके से बचने के �लए इस उ�ाद 

का उपयोग सुर�क्षत तर�के से िकया जाना चा�हए। इस उ�ाद को 

संशो�धत करने का �यास न कर�, �जससे उ�ाद का उपयोग करने 

के �लए आपके �ा�धकरण क� उपेक्षा हो सकती है।


Don’t attempt to replace or remove the battery 

yourself-you may damage the battery, which 

could cause overheating and injury. The built-in 

battery should be replaced by authorized service 

provider, and must be recycled or disposed of 

separately from household waste.


Don’t give this product to children aged 4 or 

below. Like other electric products, this product 

is also to be used in a safe way to avoid electric 

shock. Don’t try to modify this product, which 

may negate your authority to use the product.



This product works best on smooth surfaces. Turn 

off the switch when decive is fully discharged 

or not in use. Don’t step on the product while 

playing as it may get damaged. Don’t play by the 

roads or in any other dangerous places to avoid 

accidents. Don’t play in a place with puddle, mud 

or sand. 


Plug in USB charger (5V) to the charging slot on 

the bottom of the product. 

• Red LED will glow while charging 

• Green LED will glow when the product is fully 


Remove the adapter when Green LED glows


Welcome Let’s begin. Press the power button 

to start up your football. Full charge your device 

for the first time use. Please read this document 

and the safety information guide carefully before 

you first use this football. For detailed support in-

formation, go to www.miranatoys.com/airfootball
