AMX Driver v1.0 for Mirage Digital Amplifiers
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Technical Support
If you require further assistance with configuring the AMX driver v1.0 for the Mirage
Digital Amplifier, please contact Autonomic Technical Support at +1 914-598-1647
option 2, or email
. You can also visit the Autonomic
Knowledgbase (
) for troubleshooting
information and access to submitting a support ticket.
Appendix: Channel and Level Values
All target channels are calculated using a
value of 40 except for levels
that use a
value of 10. Zone 1 shares its channels with the initial
channel values. A button programmed to toggle power on Zone 1 should use channel
10. The formula for calculating channels for other zones is
(initialChannel|initia (ZONE_OFFSET|ZONE_LVL_
OFFSET * (zone - 1)))
Therefore, a button programmed to toggle power on Zone 67 would use channel
+ (40 * (67 - 1)))
or channel 2650. A bar graph attached to the volume level for Zone
1 would use level 1. The volume bar graph for Zone 67 would use level
((1 + (10 *
(67 - 1)))
or 661.
For convenience, the following pages contain a table with all channel and level values
for zones 1–96.