4. Control panel
MiR500 Quick Start (en) 07/2021 - v.2.1 ©Copyright 2018-2021: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Pressing this button:
Clears the Emergency or Protective stop state.
Lets the robot continue operating after the Manual stop button was pressed or after the
operating mode changes.
Lets the robot start operating after powering up.
Color indication:
Blinking blue: The robot is waiting for a user action (clear the Protective stop state,
acknowledge the change of operating mode).
Pressing this button for three seconds turns the robot on or shuts it off.
Color indication:
Blue: The robot is off.
Blinking green: The robot is starting up.
Green: Normal operation.
Blinking red: The battery level is too low to start without additional charging, or the robot
is shutting down.
4.2 The Operating mode key
The Operating mode key lets you switch between operating modes.
Left position: Autonomous mode
Puts the robot in Autonomous mode.
Middle position: Locked
Locks the robot. The robot blocks the wheels; you cannot start a mission or drive the robot
Right position: Manual mode
Puts the robot in Manual mode.