Press the subject-program
button until the subject-program
pointer is under
Close-Up Mode
Set Close-Up mode when
photographing small objects like
flowers or jewelry. In Close-Up
mode, the camera automatically
sets the best possible aperture
and shutter speed for the picture
you are taking.
• For best results use a macro lens or a macro capable zoom lens.
• Do not use the built-in flash if your subject is closer than 1.0m
(3.3 ft.). The lens may block the flash, creating a shadow at the
bottom of your image (lens shadowing).
• Use a tripod to reduce camera shake.
Press the subject-program
button until the subject-program
pointer is under
Landscape photography requires
a large depth-of-field to make
sure everything is in focus. In
Landscape mode, the camera is
set to obtain the greatest depth-
of-field possible, while
maintaining a shutter speed fast
enough to prevent blur due to
camera shake.
• For best results zoom to a wide view or use a wide angle lens
and include a foreground subject or detail to create a feeling of
depth in the picture.
• Use flash when a subject in the foreground is backlit or has
strong shadows across the face. If there is no subject in the
foreground, do not use flash.
• Use a tripod, especially at slower shutter speeds.
Landscape Mode