Motor fails to run or lacks power:
• Check battery connections for proper polarity.
• Make sure terminals are clean and corrosion free. Use fi ne sandpaper or emery cloth to clean terminals.
• Check battery water level. Add water if needed.
Motor loses power after a short running time:
• Check battery charge. If low, restore to full charge.
Motor is diffi cult to steer:
• Check steering cables for proper tension. Adjust as necessary.
You experience prop vibration during normal operation:
• Remove and rotate the prop 180°. See removal instructions in the Propeller Replacement Section.
Experiencing interference with your fi shfi nder:
• You may, in some applications, experience interference in your depth fi nder display. We recommend that you use a
deep cycle marine battery for your trolling motor and that you power the depth fi nder from the starting/cranking
battery. If problems still persist, call our service department.
For all other malfunctions, visit an Authorized Service Center. You can search for an Authorized Service Center in your
area by visiting our Authorized Service page, found online or by calling our customer service.