Frequency Interference
1.Turn the power off to your ceiling fan.
2.Please use a small size tool to change the frequency settings on the control system.
3.Returm power to the unit.
Note:After the AC power is on, do not press any other button on the transmitter before pressing the “Stop” button,doing so will cause the procedure to fail.
4.Within 60 secounds of turning the fan’s AC power ON. Press the transmitter’s “Stop” button and hold the “Stop ” button for 10 seconds.
5.Once the receiver has detected the set frequency, the down light of your fan if applicable will blink twice.(there is no indication if your fan is not equipped
with a light).
6.The receiver has now learn the frequency which has been selected on the transmitter. After completing the steps above,you should be able to operate the
ceiling fan and light. If the fan is not responding to the transmitter. please turn the power off to the receiver,and repeat the process.