Warranty Certificate Registration Procedures
The registration can be made by the following ways:
- Mail:
Send a copy of warranty certificate correctly filled to the following
Minipa Indústria e Comércio Ltda.
Att: Serviço de Atendimento ao Cliente
Alameda dos Tupinás, 33 - Planalto Paulista
CEP: 04069-000 - São Paulo - SP
- Fax:
Send a copy of warranty certificate correctly filled by fax number
- e-mail:
Scanning this form and attach to your e-mail. Please send to
[email protected].
- Site:
Register the warranty certificate by http://www.minipa.com.br/sac.
The warranty conditions and limitations will be valid only to the
certificates correctly registered. In case the purchaser did not register,
a sales receipt showing the date of purchase will be required.
Manual specifications subject to change without notice.
Revision: 01
Date of Issue: 15/06/2005