Viewing Video Remotely
Remotely viewing the video requires specific ports on your router for be forwarded to the device. The
methods required to accomplish this vary greatly. Consult your router’s user’s manual for detailed
information on port forwarding.
The information you will need to know is the ip address of the device (set up at the beginning of this
guide) as well as the ports to forward. The four ports you will need to forward the following: 80, 8189,
7189, and 554. If you changed any of these ports when configuring the camera settings at the beginning
using the IPSearch tool you will need to update these numbers accordingly. You will need to make a note
of these numbers as you will need then later.
After the proper ports are forwarded, you device should be available over the internet. To check that the
proper ports are forwarded and open, you can go to
to make sure specific
ports can be accessed remotely. On this site you will also see your ip address listed. This is the address
you will use to connect to your camera. Make a note of this number as well.
You will need to copy this address into Internet Explorer web browser on a remote computer (Chrome
and Firefox are not supported). Once you are connected, in the bottom right of the page, you will have an
“ActiveX” installer. Selecting this will download and install the Surveillance program on the computer you
are using. You must have Administrator privileges on the computer you are using to properly install the
Surveillance program.
Viewing remotely requires the Surveillance program to be installed on the computer being used. You will
then add the credentials of the camera in the device configuration menu found on page 5 of this manual.
When you select the “Add” button you will then be given the options to manually add an address, port,
and account information (setup when the program was first installed). After you input this information
you will want to select “Test.” If your settings are correct and successful you will then want to select the
“Save” button in the middle of the program to keep your configuration information.
Mobile devices can be setup in a similar manner by manually inputting your device details in the “+” icon
located in the top right of the mobile program.