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AN-49-003 Rev.: E (September 6, 2019) M175867 (R95153) File: AN49003.doc
This document and its contents are the property of Mini-Circuits
Free Run Pulse Source :
Selecting Free Run Pulse Source will cause the buttons in the central portion of the screen and the plot at
the top of the screen to change to those of Free Run RF pulse mode (
). In this mode, you can
generate a sequence of RF pulses with selected pulse width (resolution 1µSec, see model datasheet for
minimum pulse width) and total pulse period, which will be generated continuously with the specified carrier
wave until stopped.
Free Run pulse mode window
Frequency (MHz)
– The carrier frequency, in MHz, for the pulse width active period.
Power Level (dBm)
– Power level of the carrier signal in dBm (of the active RF pulses).
Pulse Width
– Duration of the active RF pulse, in the specified time unit (integer number).
Pulse Period
– Time between the start of two consecutive RF pulses in the specified time unit
(must be greater than Pulse Width).
Time Units
– Specifies the time unit for Pulse Width and Pulse Period as micro seconds (µSec),
milliseconds (mSec) or seconds (Sec).
Pulse Rate
– Shows the calculated frequency at which the pulses repeat, based on the values entered.
Duty Cycle
– Shows the calculated ratio between Pulse Width and Pulse Period.