Software Features
(Power Meter)
User friendly, easy to install software, enables the user to record data and present it by:
Power Output vs. Time graph
Excel spreadsheet file
Measurements can be performed according to a time schedule defined by the user.
The software also offers an option to define minimum and maximum limits of measurements,
defining ranges of interest, so that any deviation from defined limits is recorded and marked
with a tracer:
Power Output vs. Time graph will have red lines on the Power axis at defined limits.
Excel and Text files: any result which exceeds limit will be marked by an asterisk “*”.
Getting Started…Software Setup
Insert the Mini-Circuits USB power sensor installation CD into the CDROM device.
If installation does not start automatically, run install.exe from <CD drive> root directory.
The Installation Window will appear, see Figure 2.
Figure 2: Installation Window
Click on the “Install Now” box. Accept the license agreement and click continue, see Figure
Figure 3: License agreement
For detailed performance specs & shopping online see