13 F1A4 Operator Instructor Notes and Syllabus
Minelab Countermine Division
Safety through Excellence
Thirty one
Control Box Operation.
Have the students unpack the Control Box from the bag and follow the demonstration
while looking at the Control Box.
Explain the function of each Control Box switch and button. Key points to note are:
The Ground Balance Switch must be held in Balance position throughout the
Ground Balance procedure.
There must be no metal under the Coil when conducting Ground Balance.
The detector must be held perfectly still when conducting Noise Cancel.
There must be no metallic objects near the Coil during Noise Cancel.
When the Battery Low alarm sounds, batteries should be immediately changed
(demonstrate ‘Battery Low’ alarm with a set of weak batteries).
The F1A4 uses a Threshold Tone that provides a very soft tone to provide a
positive indication to the operator that the detector is working correctly – the
Threshold Tone also assists the operator in distinguishing tone changes caused
by a small target.
Thirty two
Normal Procedures
Using the Field Guide, demonstrate the Normal Procedures (switch on and Ground
Key points:
During the six seconds start up, internal diagnostic checks occur, previous
Ground Balance and Noise Cancel settings are loaded and no detection is
When conducting Ground Balance:
The Coil needs to be raised 10 cm from the ground.
Each complete up and down movement should occur over 3-4 seconds.
The Coil should be kept horizontal to the ground during the up and down
Continue with the up and down movement until all ground interference is
If the alleged ground interference does not reduce, it is likely that the Coil
is trying to Ground Balance a piece of metal – select another area to
Ground Balance.
Once a Ground Balance procedure has been completed, the detector will
remember those Ground Balance settings even after it is switched off
and on again.
Thirty three
Optional Procedures.
Using the Field guide demonstrate the Optional Noise Cancel and Audio Reset
Key points:
Noise Cancel
During Noise Cancel it is important to keep the detector still – during this
procedure the F1A4 electronics scans the environment over 4000
frequencies to search for and record all sources of interference – once