3-14 EAN-13 (ISBN/ISSN)
Data digits (12 digits)
Check digit
Check digit verification: The check digit is optional and made as the sum of the numerical value of the
data digits.
Check digit transmission: By setting Enable, check digit will be transmitted.
EAN-13 code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of
Insertion group selection: Refer to Insertion group selection of
Supplement digits:
Data digits (12 digits)
Check digit Supplement digits 2 or 5
ISBN/ISSN conversion: The ISBN (International Standard Book Number, or Bookland EAN) and ISSN
(International Standard Serial Number) are two kinds of barcode for books and magazines. The ISBN is
10 digits with leading “978” and the ISSN is 8 digits with leading “977” of the EAN-13 symbol.
Barcode “9780194315104”, Output: “019431510X”.
Barcode “9771005180004”, Output: “10051805”.
ISBN/ISSN code ID setting: Refer to Code ID setting of