Exhibit “A”
In addition to EMI/RFI safeguards inherent in the MM20000
series’ design, external filtering is required.
Minarik requires the Corcom® filters listed in Table 5. If the
exact filter is not available, the specifications are as follows:
L = (1.73 + 0.03) milliHenries.
C = (0.27 + 0.54) microFarads (X); 0.0055 microFarads (Y).
R = 330Kohms.
Rated current: 1.4 times maximum DC motor current.
Filter type: Balanced 2-section.
Table 5. Corcom Filters
Nameplate Current of
Motor Wired to the Drive
Corcom Filter Part Number
0 to 4 amps
4.1 to 13 amps
The filters in Table 5 should be wired to the AC
line within 0.25 meters of the drive. The ground
connection from the filter must be wired to solid
earth ground (resistance less than 500 ohms);
not machine ground. This is very important!
CE Compliance
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