Step 1
Step 2
Put cross base (D) onto the cross base (E).
Unscrew the screws in the side of base
frames (D&E). Use these screws to connect
the L-shaped base (F) to the cross bases
(D&E). Tighten securely using spanner (bb).
Place the cross base in the desired location
and secure using appropriate weights or
pavers. Each base weight must be
atleast 40kgs.
Base weights are
sold separately
Take off the bolts & nuts
and gasket from the
cross base (D&E),
then attach the base
support (G) to the cross
base (D&E), and then
using the bolts & nuts
& gasket and
spanner (bb)
to tighten it.
Insert the upright pole (C) into the base
support (G). Then add the connecting
elbow (H) to the top of the pole (C).
Refer to image for correct direction - the
base support should angle to the right
and the connection elbow to the left.
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5