During both washing and extracting, all washer- extractors transmit both static and dynamic or cyclic forces
to the floor, to the foundation, or to any other supporting structure. During washing, the impact of the goods as they
drop imparts forces which are quite difficult to quantify. Size for size, both rigid and flexibly-mounted machines
transmit approximately the same forces during washing. During extracting, rigid machines transmit forces up to 30
times greater than equivalent flexibly-mounted models. The actual magnitude of these forces vary—depending on
the machine size; the final extraction speed; the amount, condition and type of goods being processed; the liquor
level and chemical conditions in the bath preceding extraction; and on several other factors. Estimates of the maxi-
mum force normally encountered are available for each Milnor
model and size upon request. Floor or foundation
sizes shown on any Milnor
document are only for on-grade situations based only on previous experience without
implying any warranty, obligation, or responsibility on our part.
Rigid Machines
—Size for size, rigid washer-extractors naturally require a stronger, more rigid floor, founda-
tion or other supporting structure than flexibly-mounted models. Providing the supporting soil under the slab is itself
strong and rigid enough and has not subsided to leave the floor slab suspended without support, on grade installa-
tions can often be made directly to an existing floor slab if it has sufficient strength and rigidity to safely withstand
our published forces without transmitting undue vibration. If the subsoil has subsided, or if the floor slab itself has
insufficient strength and rigidity, a deeper foundation, poured as to become monolithic with the floor slab, may be
required. Support piles may even be required if the subsoil itself is “springy” (i.e., if its resonant frequency is near
the machine’s operating speed). Above grade installations of rigid machines also require a sufficiently strong and
rigid floor or other supporting structure as described below.
Flexibly-Mounted Machines
—Size for size, flexibly-mounted machines generally do not require as
strong a floor, foundation, or other supporting structure as do rigid machines. However, a floor or other supporting
structure having sufficient strength and rigidity (as described below) is nonetheless vitally important for these mod-
els as well.
How Strong and Rigid?
—Many USA building codes specify that laundry floors must have a minimum live
load capability of 150 pounds per square foot (732 kg per square meter). However, even compliance with this or any
other standard does not necessarily guarantee sufficient rigidity. In any event, it is the sole responsibility of the
owner/user to assure that the floor and/or any other supporting structure exceeds not only all applicable building
codes, but also that the floor and/or any other supporting structure for each washer-extractor or group of washer-
extractors actually has sufficient strength and rigidity, plus a reasonable factor of safety for both, to support the
weight of all the fully loaded machine(s) including the weight of the water and goods, and including the published
rotating sinusoidal RMS forces that are transmitted by the machine(s). Moreover, the floor, foundation, or
other supporting structure must have sufficient rigidity (i.e. a natural or resonant frequency many times greater than
the machine speed with a reasonable factor of safety); otherwise, the mentioned 360
rotating sinusoidal RMS
forces can be multiplied and magnified many times. It is especially important to consider all potential vibration
problems that might occur due to all possible combinations of forcing frequencies (rotating speeds) of the ma-
chine(s) compared to the natural frequencies of the floor and/or any other supporting structure(s). A qualified soil
and/or structural engineer must be engaged for this purpose.
FIGURE 1 above is intended to depict both on-grade and above grade installations and are equally applicable to
flexibly-mounted washer-extractors, as well as to rigid models installed either directly on a floor slab or on a foun-
dation poured integrally with the slab. Current machine data is available from Milnor
upon request. All data is
subject to change without notice and may have changed since last printed. It is the sole responsibility of every
potential owner to obtain written confirmation that any data furnished by Milnor
applies for the model(s) and serial
number(s) of the specific machine(s).
How Rotating Forces Act on the Foundation
Summary of Contents for 30022F Series
Page 6: ......
Page 8: ......
Page 21: ...Section 1 Service and Maintenance ...
Page 52: ......
Page 53: ...Section 2 Covers Safety and Shipping Brackets ...
Page 55: ...003 001 002 BMP940045 94203V Page 1 ISOLATOR SHIPPING BRACKETS 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 57: ...Section 3 Frame and Housing Assemblies ...
Page 58: ...BMP940043 94201V Page 1 HOUSE SHELL VENT INSTALLATION 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 60: ......
Page 61: ...Section 4 Suspension ...
Page 65: ...BMP940044 94203V Page 1 INSTALLATION SHOCK ABSORBER 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 68: ......
Page 69: ...Section 5 Drive Assemblies ...
Page 70: ...BMP940034 94177V Page 1 INSTALLATION DRIVE BASE ASSEMBLY 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 77: ...Section 6 Shell and Door Assemblies ...
Page 78: ...BMP940046 94223V Page 1 INSTALLATION SHELLFRONT 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 80: ...BMP920009 94491V Page 1 DOOR ASSEMBLY 30015 30020 RIGID MOUNT WASHER EXTRACTORS ...
Page 84: ......
Page 85: ...Section 7 Water and Steam Piping and Assemblies ...
Page 86: ...BMP940057 94217V Page 1 WATER INLET ASSEMBLY INSTALLATION 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 91: ...BMP940055 94212V Page 1 INSTALLATION DRAIN ASSEMBLY 30022F8J F8P F8W ...
Page 92: ...BMP920017 93251V Page 1 ELECTRIC DRAIN VALVE 30015 30020 30022 RIGID MOUNT WASHER EXTRACTORS ...
Page 93: ...Section 8 Chemical Supply Devices ...
Page 100: ...BMP940050 94202V Page 1 INSTALLATION PERISTALIC SOAPCHUTE 30022F8J F8P F8W ...