U s e r I n s t r u c t i o n s - E n g l i s h
Fall arrest systems must be rigged in accordance to regulatory requirements. [All instruc-
tions and warnings provided with the components of the personal fall arrest system must
be read, understood, and followed.]
Make sure that all connections within the fall arrest system are compatible.
The anchorage connector must be compatible with the snap hook or carabiner of the con-
necting device and must not be capable of causing a load to be applied to the gate/keeper.
Use only locking carabiners, locking snap hooks or other Miller approved connectors or
connecting devices to attach to this equipment.
Never use an anchorage connector which will not allow snap hook or carabiner gate/
keeper to close.
Never work above the roof anchor (i.e., higher level, dormer, higher roof structure, etc.)
Use of these systems is not suitable when the user is positioned on an unstable surface,
Never allow the lifeline to become slack between the rope grab and roof anchor.
Never allow the lifeline to pass under or entwine around arms, legs, neck or any other
Do not tie knots in lifelines.
Use rope grabs only with the appropriate vertical lifeline included in the system kit.
Do not use system if rope grab does not lock onto the lifeline.
The structure that this anchor (system) is attached to must be capable of supporting
5,000 lbs. (22.2 kN) per user attached; or be designed, installed and used, under the
maintains a safety factor of at least two.
All roof anchors, when installed per Miller instructions as part of a Miller personal fall
factor of at least two.
Anchorage requirements based on ANSI Z359.1 are as follows:
anchorage strengths must be multiplied by the number of personal fall arrest systems
attached to the anchorage.
Before installation and before each use, inspect the structure and roof members (i.e.,
studs, joists, rafters, trusses), where the roof anchor is installed or will be installed for
deteriorated wood, rot, decay, defects, or any other questionable conditions. Ensure
that the condition of the support structure will support the anticipated loads created by
properly and securely installed with the required number of fasteners.
and CSA compliance, refer to product labeling.