Conductive plastic rotary potentiometer offering variable output gain level. When fully CCW the
output gain is fully attenuated (off). When fully CW, the output gain is at maximum. Up to 10 dB
of make-up gain is available when fully CW
Pushbutton switch which selects the stereo link function. When switch is depressed and LED is
illuminated, both channels will respond to the channel with the highest compression activity.
When the switch is not depressed, each channel’s dynamics operates independently. The side-
chain controls (threshold, attack, release, ratio) remain individually adjustable and are not stereo
linked. Stereo tracking can be tightened by reducing the ratio setting of the channel driving hard-
est. The following set-up procedure will help balance a linked stereo image.
A) Apply a steady 1 KHz to one channel of the TCL.
B) Set the attack, release, and ratio controls for identical settings on both channels.
C) Make sure the stereo link switch is in the “Out/Off ” position.
D) With the meter in GR mode, increase the Threshold control until you reach the desired about
of GR as shown on the meter.
E) Depress the Stereo Link switch. Note... the amount of GR shown on the meter will probably
decrease. Simply increase the threshold until you again achieve the desired about of GR as shown
on the meter.
F) You should now see the same amount of GR on BOTH meters. If you do not, adjust the ratio
control(s) on one or both channels until you do.
Trimmer potentiometer behind front panel hole which adjusts meter zero set-point. Adjust this
trimmer only after TCL-2 has reached a stable, warmed-up condition.
Large (and very expensive!) Sifam true audio level meters offering superb ballistics and accuracy.
A custom back-lit dial face provides oversized numerals for clear readability. Backlighting also
provides a pilot light function.
Rocker switch for switching AC line power on and off.
The TCL-2 Twincom is based on pure Class-A all vacuum tube and pure Class-A discrete all tran-
sistor amplifier designs. Both topologies perform best after reaching a stable, warmed-up condi-
tion. All TCL-2 factory adjustments have been performed when unit is fully warmed-up;
at least one-half hour after turning unit on. During TCL-2 warm-up period, user may find that
certain adjustments may drift slightly, including the 0 dB meter reading when in “GR” (Gain Re-
duction) mode.