data 3 times at most.
Rejoin Mode
Reporting interval ≤ 30 mins: the device will send specific mounts of
LoRaMAC packets to check connection status every 30 mins; If no reply after
specific packets, the device will re-join.
Reporting interval > 30 mins: the device will send specific mounts of
LoRaMAC packets every to check connection status every reporting interval;
If no reply after specific packets, the device will re-join.
ADR Mode
Allow network server to adjust datarate of the device.
Tx Power
Tx power of the device.
1) Please contact sales for device EUI list if there are many units.
2) Please contact sales if you need random App keys before purchase.
3) Select OTAA mode if you use Milesight IoT cloud to manage devices.
4) Only OTAA mode supports rejoin mode.
Step 2: Go to “
LoRaWAN -> Channel
” of ToolBox software or “
Setting -> LoRaWAN Settings
” of
ToolBox APP to select supported frequency and select channels to send uplinks. Make sure the
channels match the LoRaWAN
If frequency is one of CN470/AU915/US915, you can enter the index of the channel that you
want to enable in the input box, making them separated by commas.
1, 40: Enabling Channel 1 and Channel 40
1-40: Enabling Channel 1 to Channel 40