above or below the first, but with the capsules positioned at a 90-degree angle from
the front The outputs of the two microphones are often connected to a special MS
matrix mixer, which combines the mid signal with the signal of the side microphone,
both in phase and out of phase The matrix mixer’s ratio control now used to set the
balance between the mid mic and the combined signal of the side mics to adjust the
width of the stereo spread You can also connect the two microphones outputs to two
inputs of a stereo mixer, let’s say channel one and two Next, split the side signal into a
third channel set to reverse phase Pan channels two and three hard left and hard right
respectively Channels two and three should be at equal level and always adjusted the
same amount as if they were grouped together Now use the balance between channel
one and the grouped channels two and three to adjust the width stereo spread
If you want to create the Mid-side stereo effect after you’ve recorded into your DAW,
record the mid mic on track one, and the side mic on track two Then, copy track two
to track three, be sure they are aligned perfectly and then reverse the phase on track
three Now group tracks two and three together so they move with one fader Then
pan channel two hard left and channel three hard right At this point you can adjust
the width of the stereo image by change the balance between track one and the group
channels two and three
Applications Guide