Saving Video from Image Memory
Select the Save Icon frome the playback controls. This will bring up a dialog that allows selection of the following:
• Start and Stop points of the clip (these points can also be changed using Cut In/Out buttons on the playback controls).
• Destination—where the movie clip is to be saved. Choices include the built-in SSD, (an option), an SD card or a USB drive.
• The file Format desired—AVI, BMP Stack, JPEG Stack or TIFF Stack.
• File name prefix, which may optionally include the camera name or user-defined tag..
• Use the default file name tag or change it.
When the movie clip is set up as desired, press the Save icon on the Save dialog. A new dialog will open with the heading Copy in
Progress. This dialog indicates the status of the file save operation.
When the file save is complete, the dialog will display a message indicating Copy completed successfully. Press the OK icon to set
the camera back into Review Mode. Click on the Live button to put the camera back into Live Mode. From here a new recording
can be made or the camera’s configuration can be changed.
Navigate to the Record Menu, and select the Autosave Sub Menu.
Highlight “Disabled” and click the OK button. “Disabled will change to “Enabled” and turn green. A Dialog will appear with the
header Save Partition 0. This is te same dialog used in the section above.
Make your selections from this dialog and Click on OK to accept.
4. Arm and Trigger the camera.
As soon as the recording is complete, the camera will download the imagery then re-Arm itself and await the next trigger.
Autosave a Video
There a several methods available to permanently save images:
• Connect the camera to a PC using an Ethernet cable. Use the Review / Save function in Fas
otion to save images to any media
connected to the PC. If CAP files are saved to the camera’s SSD, they may be loaded into camera memory and resaved to any
camera or PC media.
• Download images to a mass storage device on the camera (SD card, USB, or SSD, if installed). SD cards or USB flash drives may
be ejected from the camera and connected to PC. Images on any mass storage connected to the camera may be transferred via
otion Storage / Explore.
Connect the camera to a PC using a USB cable connected to the USB OTG port in the camera. Each of the camera’s mass storage
devices will become accessable.
Save Images to a Host PC
Contact Information
Review a Video in Image Memory
Use the playback icons to play forward, backward, or jump to points of interest in the movie. Use the Cut In and Cut Out icons to
select a portion of the movie to review or save.
Skip Back
Skip Fwd
Cut In
Cut Out
Play Bkwd