Configuration MC13xx
Users Manual Rev. 1.19
This is valid for a line length between 250 and 640 pixel.
:s <x
> ... range 0 ... f (hex)
Before selecting the data rate of the camera check
the maximum data rate of the frame grabber, which
must be higher (or at least the same).
6.7.3 Image
There are several steps necessary for a change of image format:
i. Disable sensor controller with :r6[4] = 0.
ii. Set image size with (:r1,:r2, :r3, :r4, :r5).
iii. If new sensor clock = old sensor clock:
1. Do not set pixel clock nor sensor clock.
iv. If new sensor clock > old sensor clock:
1. Set new pixel clock (:S6…..), then new sensor clock (:S4….).
v. If new sensor clock < old sensor clock:
1. Set new sensor clock (:S4…..), then new pixel clock (:S6….).
vi. Reenable sensor controller (:r6[4]=1).
6.8 Exposure
Exposure control is selected with register r6[7..4] and register r2[9..0].
Bit(s) Description
Type of exposure
r2[9..0] Exposure
table 6-1
6.8.1 Type of exposure
The MC13xx can expose the images synchronous or asynchronous. An external signal on CC1 can be
used to synchronize MC13xx cameras to each other or to an external event. Synchronous
Synchronous exposure means that the next image is exposed, while the current image is output. This
mode provides fastest frame rate while maintaining maximum exposure time as long as 1/frame rate. If
an external synchronization signal is input on CC1 its frequency range can be between 30Hz and the
selected free running frame rate. Use MC13xx camera configuration tool for selection.