Printed in China for GTO Access Systems, LLC.
2016 GTO Access Systems, LLC
Document Number: R26008 REV A (12-15.16)
Mighty Mule
is the retail brand of GTO Access Systems, LLC
3121 Hartsfield Road • Tallahassee, FL 32303
This product meets the requirements of UL325 6th Edition, 2016, the standard for gate
operator safety.
Installation Manual
Horizontal Support
Gate Swings Evenly and Freely
Hung Firmly and Plumb
Post Bracket
Control Box
Fence Post Set in Concrete
Run 1000' (max.) of low
voltage wire to control
box from transformer
(wire not included).
Power Cable
Closed Position Stop Plate
PVC conduit (not included)
to protect wire from lawn
mowers and weed eaters.
Gate Bracket
Warning Sign
Single Gate Opener
120 Volt indoor
(surge protector
not supplied)
12 Volt automotive or marine
type battery in weather proof
housing (not included).
Example of finished installation
(installations vary slightly on different types of gates)