en - Warning and Safety instructions
Read the operating instructions carefully before using this holder.
This prevents both personal injury and damage to the rinse fitting.
Keep these operating instructions in a safe place.
Please also read the operating instructions for your washer-
disinfector and pay particular attention to the Warning and Safety
The holder is approved solely for the applications specified in the
“Application technology” chapter of these operating instructions. All
other uses, conversions, and modifications are not permitted.
Inspect all mobile units, baskets, modules and inserts daily as de-
scribed in the “Maintenance” section in the Operating instructions for
the washer-disinfector.
New load carriers must be cleaned in the washer-disinfector
without a load prior to first use.
To clean and disinfect lumened instruments thoroughly from the in-
side, they must be attached to the relevant holders or nozzles on the
injector manifolds. The connectors must not come loose during a
programme sequence.
At the end of every programme sequence, check that the connectors
have not come loose.
When handling tips for air scalers and piezo scalers, be careful not
to injure yourself on the functional ends of the instruments. For your
own safety, wear gloves and, if necessary, a surgical mask and pro-
tective goggles when sorting the instruments.
Any hollow items that have become disconnected from their
injector nozzles, adapters or holders during processing must be
The last rinse, as a minimum, must be carried out with DI water.