6 – Error Codes
6 – Error Codes
E r r o r D e s c r ip t io n
E r r o r C o d e
E r r o r M e s s a g e
Fuse Door Open
Fuse door open. Remove power and close the
fuse door.
High Voltage Cable
Fuse Door Open
High voltage cable fuse door open.
Remove power and close the fuse door.
High Voltage Cable
Not Connected
High voltage cable not connected properly.
Check cable connections.
Low Voltage Cable
Not Connected
Low voltage cable not connected properly, or
incorrect low voltage cable connected for selected
battery pack. Check cable connections.
Expansion Board Fault
Internal Error. Contact Midtronics customer service.
Battery High Voltage
Battery pack voltage exceeds the threshold maximum
allowed voltage at which rescue charging is allowed.
Check for BECM DTCs using a Scan Tool and diagnose
as necessary.
Battery Low Voltage
Battery pack voltage insufficient for use of this
charger. Re-try charge cycle in a few hours. Battery
pack voltage may increase sufficiently to allow rescue
charge, after several hours with no battery loads.
If error condition persists disconnect charger, restore
vehicle harness connections, check for BECM DTCs
using a Scan Tool and diagnose as necessary.
Battery Not Detected
Battery pack voltage not detected. Restore vehicle
harness connections, check for BECM DTCs using a
Scan Tool and diagnose as necessary.
Battery Cell Voltage
Out Of Range
Battery cell voltages not within acceptable range.
This can be the result of cell voltage variance within
the battery. Disconnect the charger, restore vehicle
harness connections, check for BECM DTCs using a
Scan Tool and diagnose as necessary.
Battery Temperature
Too High
Battery pack temperature is too high. This may be
the result of environmental factors or an internal
battery fault. Ensure the vehicle is stored at room
temperature before attempting charging. If this error
returns, please disconnect the charger, restore vehicle
harness connections, check for BECM DTCs using a
Scan Tool and diagnose as necessary.
Battery Temperature
Too low
Battery temperature is too low. This may be the result
of environmental factors or an internal battery fault.
Ensure the vehicle is stored at room temperture
before attempting charging. If this error returns,
please disconnect the charger, restore vehicle harness
connections, check for BECM DTCs using a Scan Tool
and diagnose as necessary.
Excessive Charging
Charge stopped due to battery charging current
exceeding allowable limits. Contact Midtronics
customer service for additional assistance.