Menu Maps
This section will help you get to your destination while letting you know what test leads you may need when
you arrive. The test leads are represented by symbols for their connectors.
Main Menu
The Main Menu is the starting point for all tools and utilities, which are depicted as icons. Some icons lead
directly to the function they represent, while others are menu icons that lead to two or more functions.
Menu icons are marked here with an asterisk (
) and are mapped on the following pages.
MAIN MENU (Screen 1)
MAIN MENU (Screen 2)
MAIN MENU (Screen 3)
Tests a battery for Warran-
ty purposes using the bat-
tery information you select
in a series of screens.
Tests a battery in regular Ser-
vice, this includes the possibil-
ity to perform the starting and
charging systems.
Includes a test counter,
data transfer utility and
displays the tester soft-
ware versions.
Enables you to view your
stored test results and
print them to the internal
Utilities, many of which
customize your user inter-
face in the tester.
Chapter 2: Description
Quality Control Mode for
testing Stock batteries or
compound batteries.
Tests vehicles on compount/
ports or at dealer before deliv-
ery to the customer.
Summary of Contents for VAS 6161
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