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Midtronics Inc.     7000 Monroe Street     Willowbrook, IL 60527

Honda GR8-1100 AST WiFi/CVGM Setup





September 2016

Corporate Headquarters


Willowbrook, IL USA


Phone:          1.630.323.2800
Canadian Inquiries


Toll Free:            +1 1 866 592 8052



Midtronics b.v.

European Headquarters

Houten, The Netherlands 


Serving Europe, Africa, the Middle

East, and The Netherlands


Phone:               +31 306 868 150


Midtronics China


China Operations


Shenzhen, China


Phone:   +86 755 2374 1010




Midtronics India

Navi Mumbai, India

Phone:     +91 22 2756 4103/1513



Contact Corporate Headquarters

Phone:                 +1.630.323.2800

Asia/Pacífic (excluding China)

Issue: GR8 Connects but Does Not Transmit Data

Following the successful transmission of test data via Wi-Fi 

network, the GR8 will display a screen reading “Data Transmit 

Complete” for several seconds. If this message does not appear 

or an error message is displayed, the transmission was not 

successful and the data was not received. If this occurs, please 

consider the following factors:


Check that Wi-Fi signal strength is sufficient. Signal strength 

should be 2 bars or better. If signal is poor, move GR8 to an 

area closer to the wireless access point and away from ob-



Other devices operating on a 2.4GHz frequency may inter-

fere with the network. Such devices are: cordless phones, 

baby monitors, microwaves, Bluetooth devices, and wireless 

video equipment.

If the problem persists, contact your IT professional and:


Confirm that Basic Authentication over port 80 is support-

ed. Port 80 outbound should be open


Confirm that your network router is allowing access to host 



Confirm that Proxy Servers, Malware Protection, Anti-Virus, 

or Firewall settings are not blocking Midtronics tools. Con-

firm that your Wi-Fi network allows file attachments from 

Midtronics tools.

Issue: Data is transmitted, but is not seen on the BMIS 



Confirm that the dealer ID # entered into the tool is correct. 

The test data will not populate in the correct dealer’s report 

if the dealer ID # entered into the tool is incorrect. This can 

be changed in the “TOOL MOVED” screen, within the “OP-

TIONS” > “SETUP” menus.
