Page 1: ...MoEltLE FtAcllo IIUUUUU INSTRUCTION MANUAL 70 21 02E CTCSS ENCODER DECODER 70 21 02 7 i CTCSS ENCODER DECODER WITH PRIVATE SQUELCH Itrs slf flMm 1690 North Topping Avenue O9 21028 1M 1 88 6C Kansas Ci...
Page 2: ...ection of all group A and B tones Refer to modified tone programming instructions for details of chanqes to allow selection of group C tones and simultaneous selection of qroups A and C B and C or qro...
Page 3: ...ilter remo res the CTCSS tones and audio components below 300 Hz from the RX Audio The filtered audio is then passed to two internal g ates One is a TX E ate which wi 11 only open during the TX mode a...
Page 4: ...Decode is applied throush R15 to the base of Q4 Q4 is now turned of f al lowine lhe t o1lector to have a hish impedence to round gm1tter T re output of Q4 collector is tLien sent through P35B pin 3 T...
Page 5: ...2 is used to detect channels proeirammed with No Tone so that audio mute circuits csn be disabled ILr 1 uses the latched CTCSS tone data to pro iram the internal filters for deter tion and ieneration...
Page 6: f i 1 i er This f ilter removes the CTCSS tc nes and Audio compolenLs below 300 Hz f rom the Rx audio The filter ecl Audio carl then be sent one of two wajrs depending on the 1og ic status of IC 4...
Page 7: ...pell The logic hish f ed to D3 is passed to IC 4 pin Prir acy Enab e turning the internal balanced modulator off In tiris way the Audio is unmuted and Non Inverted 1 ith IC i pirr 17 RX TX and iC 4 pi...
Page 8: ...SS data trannel programmin q The CTCSS TX tone is output at TC 1 pin 16 Tone Out Ihe TX CTCSS ion is f ed t the CTCSS LEVEL potent iomet r RV1 which otttrols the amplitr rde of tl e TX CTCSS tone Fr o...
Page 9: ...g paqes if siruultaneous A C B C or A B C groups programming is required Remove the jumper plug from J358 right side of receiver board and eonnect the B pin conneetor and cable running from P358 on th...
Page 10: ...CSS Modified Tone prograuming pages for simultaneous A C ts C or A B C groups programming connect t he I pin connector and cable running from p35g on the CTCSS board to the JZOZ jack on the radio main...
Page 11: ...e connected to JPA or JPB are losic LOI EXAMPLE 1 From the CTCSS Tone Programming Truth Table find column D3 Note that all of the CTCSS tones from 67 0 Hz to 141 3 Hz use a losic hish and that al l of...
Page 12: ...ains muted i hen the I IONITOR swi tch is plrshed in the RX audio is turned or1 and ttre status of the PRiVATE CLEAB swi tch has no control on the ciear audi r 1n the tlX mode wherr ttrere is no CT CS...
Page 13: ...OL METHOD 2 be used f or the Prir ate C1ear switch the solder slde of the board Remove D3 the t oard Add a jumper wire on the in the Fisure below Remove JPA and JPE Add Jumper Remove D3 PRI BUTTON AS...
Page 14: orr lhe component t ire f i gure be 1ow Remove JPA end JPB i f Add Jumper Remove D3 SCAN BUTTON AS PRIVATE CLEAR SWITCH e H G s Hs 4 u d ntqr ffi fift Ildrry g ffi ffi ii ied l Fffi ffi r r h o l 1...
Page 15: ...A L1L a11 11011g 11 10 L 11 187 10 11 L UL 1r_ L l_11 1 111EOA 1L 1 11 1 1 LA L LA 41 7 100 11 L 11 A t L L 10 L L A 1 aa C B C A C B C A c B C A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B A B 57 H...
Page 16: ...5V STB DT6 DT1 DT2 oT3 DT4 GND R33 1 s2075K NOTES 1 RESISTORS 1 4w 2 ALL CAPACITANCE lN UF MXO04P TXOUT RXIN HIUU r Rx tTX PILDEC HlI ii6trtt PrLour FHMfri MooE I PrLrN lc4 MoDE 2 FiiEf FrrR SEBDAT SE...
Page 17: ...i i lnd nio l EH Lt g n ii t L J i tsf i i ir 1 70 2102 7 n fi3fr ii iii ii l ra r i iGrcit i r r r l 1 cN 1 El BOTTOM VIEW l 1 Fas f l nol 85 EE E _ B H H n t El DESCRIPTION CTCSS PCB Assembly Thread...
Page 18: ...5 J10 R36 L10 R37 L8 R3B M9 R39 MI7 10uf 16V 2 zLrf 76V 1Ouf 16v 1Ouf 16V 1uf 35V 1uf 35V 2 2uf l6v 2 2uf 76v 1uf 35V luf 35V CHIP CAPACITORS 1uf 1uf 470Opf 1uf 1uf 1uf 33pf CH 33pf CH 1uf 1uf D IODE...
Page 19: ...rosramminq Remove JPZ and reposit ion R29 as shown Programming as follows A group tones can be proqrammed normaIly see chart below should then be For C group TOUL PROGRAIvIIIED 118 8 1IO 9 103 5 94 B...
Page 20: ...B B B B B B B B B B B r18 8 r14 8 110 9 LO7 Z 103 5 100 o 94 B 88 5 82 5 77 O 7r 9 97 4 Hz C tlO 9 Hz B 91 5 Hz C 103 5 Hz B 85 4 Hz C 94 8 Hz B 79 7 Hz C 82 5 Hz B 14 4 Hz C 7L 9 Hz B 67 O Hz C the f...
Page 21: ...f o1lows a Remove JPZ and replace it wit h a OOK ohm L 4 watt resistor Connect a 6 inch lengt h of wire C Group Control line to the adjoining hoIe See illustration b On the bot tom of t he CTCSS board...
Page 22: ...rd can then be terminated in a male pin P N 7 34 8 which will connect directly r ith P2 the floating connector carrying AUX l and AUX 2 The C Group control wire should be connected per the following c...
Page 23: ...ction point chosen to IC3 1 and the channel numher selected For example if the C Group control wire is connected to 1C301 pin 14 the tone of 110 9 Hz will resuft in a tone freguency of 11O 9 Hz B grou...
Page 24: ...mmed on any of the C tone only channels do not use the standard tone disable code Notone fnstead Program in the tone freguency of 247 8 Hz for each channel intended for Notone use This will result in...