flashes, to show that you are now in "setup mode" .
2. Set switch 3 to ON, all MIDI message should modify the
channel as preset channel.
If switch 1 is OFF, don't modify channel
3. Press keyboard, the velocity is used for velocity OFF mode,
(the default value is 100), e.g. press the key with hardest
velocity, then when velocity off mode, all note with the max
If you want to play with velocity sensitive dynamics, please set
this switch to ON.
4. To confirm the changed setup, press the Panic button a short
time again. After this the box starts again with the work mode.
How to select controller type:
1.Hold down and press the PANIC button minimum 5 Seconds
while plugging the MIDI In to power the system. The LED
flashes, to show that you are now in "setup mode" .
2. Set switch 5 to ON
3. Press keyboard, the MIDDLE C4 is as index 0, the higher
key is index 1, etc.
1 = all CC
2 = modulation
3 = breath
4 = volume