The BTD-2 is designed to work in 2 configurations:
Remote Control/Alert:
Upon decoding of the burst tone, the BTD-2 will activate the Horn and
Monitor/Squelch Outputs. The horn output will go momentarily low for the 0-9 seconds programmed. The
Monitor Squelch output will remain latched until reset.
Repeater Controller:
Upon decoding of the burst tone, the BTD-2 will activate the Monitor/Squelch Output
and PTT Hang Time Output. Either of these outputs can be used to key the repeater and will keep it keyed for
the amount of time programmed (Repeater Hang Time) after COR/COS input has been lost. If the repeater
hang time is programmed to 0.0 the remote control/alert features listed in the above paragraph are activated.
Programming to 0.1 or higher activates the repeater controller feature.
Upon decode the unit will give the following outputs depending on the hardware configuration:
1. Momentary Horn Output: This will give an open collector output to ground for 0-9 seconds depending on the
programmed horn time.
2. Latched Monitor/Squelch Output: This output can either go from low to high or from high to low. With JU-5
installed and the squelch polarity programmed for V+ the output will go from high to low. With JU-6 installed
and the squelch polarity programmed for Ground the output will go from low to high.
Resetting of Outputs:
Depending on programming the momentary output will reset automatically after 0-9
seconds. The Monitor/Squelch output is reset by cycling power or by the COR going inactive.
COR Input:
The COR polarity, GND (Ground) or V+ (+5 V) must be programmed for the active carrier polarity of
the radio. If used the decoder must see an active COR before decoding. If this feature is not used, do not connect
this wire and program the polarity for GND.