R410A DC Inverter VRF V4 Plus W Series 50Hz
Selection Procedure 11
1. Introduction
1.1 Model selection procedure
Select the model and calculate the capacity for each refrigerant system according to the procedure shown
Calculate the indoor air-conditioning load, calculate the maximum air-conditioning load for each room or
Selection of an air conditioning system
Select the ideal air conditioning system for air conditioning of each room or zone.
Design of the control system
Design a suitable control system for the selected air conditioning system.
Preliminary selection of indoor and outdoor units
Make preliminary selections that are within the allowable range for the system.
Check the tubing length and elevation difference
Check that the length of refrigerant tubing and the elevation difference are within the allowable ranges.
Calculation of the corrected outdoor unit capacity
Capacity correction coefficient for model, outdoor temperature conditions, tubing length and elevation
Calculation of the actual capacity for each indoor unit
Calculate the corrected indoor/outdoor capacity ratio, based on the corrected outdoor unit capacity and
the total corrected capacity of all indoor units in the same system.
Recheck the actual capacity for each indoor unit
If the capacity is inadequate, reexamine the unit combinations.
1.2 Indoor unit selection
Enter INDOOR UNIT CAPACITY TABLES at given indoor and outdoor temperature. Select the unit that the
capacity is the nearest to and greater than given load.
Individual indoor unit capacity is subject to change by the combination. Actual capacity has to be calculated
according to the combination by using outdoor unit capacity table.
1.2.1 Calculation of Actual Capacity of Indoor Unit
Because the capacity of a multi air-conditioner changes according to the temperature conditions, tubing length,
elevation difference and other factors, select the correct model after taking into account the various correction
values. When selecting the model, calculate the corrected capacities of the outdoor unit and each indoor unit.
Use the corrected outdoor unit capacity and the total corrected capacity of all the indoor units to calculate the
actual final capacity of each indoor unit.
Find the indoor unit capacity correction coefficient for the following items
Capacity correction for the indoor unit temperature conditions
From the graph of capacity characteristics, use the indoor temperature to find the capacity correction
Capacity distribution ratio based on the indoor unit tubing length and elevation difference.
First, in the same way as for the outdoor unit, use the tubing length and elevation difference for each
indoor unit to find the correction coefficient from the graph of capacity change characteristics
Capacity distribution ratio for each indoor unit = Correction coefficient for that indoor unit / Correction
coefficient for the outdoor unit