For example: set the program as memory cooking. Power level 70% and cooking time
is 1 minute and 25 seconds.
Step 1: Open the door, press number button "1" for 5 seconds,"ProG" displays.
Step 2: Press number button "3", 2 seconds later, the screen will display therelated
time .
Step 3: Press number buttons "1", "2" and "5" to input the cooking time.The screen
will display "1:25".
Step 4: Press" " button, " PL7 " displays. Setting finished.
Step 5: Press "START " to save. When use the program next time, just press "3",
the related program will start.
a. If the electricity is cut off, the saved program will not lost.
b. If the program need to reset , just repeat the aboved steps.
c. If all the cooking time exceeds the MAX.time User Option 7,when press " START " to
save the program, the beep tone will sound three times briefly to tell you the time is
unavailable. And then the screen turn back to display " ProG ". The time set before
will be no change.
d. If press "STOP " button during setting process, the oven turn to Door Open Mode.
The program that not saved will be lost. If there is program saved as memory
procedure, press the related number button, the saved program will start. If no
saved program, the b
will alarm when pressing number button and it will
not work.
Stage Cooking Programming
1) This allows the user to cook food items at Manual Cook Mode and Preset Program
Cook Mode. 3 stages can be set .Aftet setting the power and time for the
first stage, press " Time Entry " to set the second stage. And repeat the same step to set
the third stage.
2) When setting the second, third stage, press "Time Entry", and "S-2"or "S-3"
3) Press " START " button to start cooking.
Example: In programming mode, press number buttons "3" to set two stages cooking.
The first stage is PL7 and time is 1 minute 25 seconds. The second stage is PL5 and
5 minutes and 40 seconds. The steps to accomplish this follow.
eep tone