©2019 Mid West Products, Inc.
Form No. M15-1603
The merchandise you have purchased from us has been carefully engineered and manufactured under
Mid West Products rigid quality standards and should give you satisfactory, dependable operation.
However, like all mechanical merchandise, it may occasionally require adjustment or maintenance.
Should you need technical assistance, please contact MID WEST PRODUCTS.
(Minimum Parts Order Charge $20.00)
1. Address all parts orders or correspondence regarding customer service to one of the following:
Parts Dept.
(937) 337-3641
Mid West Products, Inc.
P.O. Box 301
Phillipsburg, OH 45354
2. Write your name and address plainly (print or type).
3. Explain where and how to ship.
4. Give model number of unit.
5. Give part number from parts list, as well as a description, including color, of the part and the quantity
you need.
6. Inspect all shipments you receive. If any parts are damaged or missing, file a claim with the carrier
before accepting.
7. If you are returning parts, be sure to include WITH THE SHIPMENT a list of the parts with your
name and address.
8. All orders for repair and replacement parts will be shipped when paid with Master Card, Visa, or
personal check/money order. Prices subject to change without notice.