Mid America Motorworks 622-871 Instruction Sheet Download Page 2


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STEP 5. 

Lay console cushion face down, and slide the lid under the flap surround; 
make sure the notched part of the flap is lined up with the latch assembly. 
Slide your fingers inside the flap at the corners and stretch the flap around 
the lid, (Illus. H). If the material seems to be too tight, use a hair dryer to 
warm the vinyl flap and make it more pliable.

STEP 6. 

Pull the flap around the back of the lid until the stitching lines up with the 
edge of the lid, and MAKE SURE that the seam salvage on the inside of the 
flap is pulled around to the back side of the lid, (Illus. I). Press the flap into 
the tape to secure. (TIP), it helps to have a second set of hands to hold that 
part of the flap you have done from coming loose while you work on the next 
section. Tuck the tab behind the latch and secure it to the tape. Repeat this 
proce dure as you go around; (TIP), it helps to turn the flap INSIDE OUT at the 
corners, and pull the seam salvage over the edge of the lid, (Illus. J), then 
press the flap into the tape as shown in (Illus. K). NOTE how the stitching 
lines up with the edge of the lid. You can also use your thumbs to help push 
the flap around the back edge of the lid, (This is critical in order to pull the 
wrinkles out of the cushion), (Illus. L). 

STEP 7. 

The secured cushion should be snug on the lid and wrinkle free as shown in 
(Illus. M). 

STEP 8. 

Turn face down to re-attach the back plate; at this point it may be necessary 
to cut some of the vinyl away from the screw housings on the back of the 
lid. Place the back plate under the latch area first, then line up with the 
screw housings, (Illus. N), and re-install the screws, (Illus. O). Caution: Do not 
overtighten the back plate screws, as you can crack the back plate.

STEP 9. 

Re-install to the console hinge using the 4 screws you put in the cup holder, 
and close the lid. If it does not latch quite right, it may be necessary to loosen 
the hinge screws slightly, and re-adjust the lid. The latch may still have to 
manually be closed because of the thickness of the vinyl flap behind the 








