MicroStrain, Inc.
A great way to become familiar with your new equipment is to take 15 minutes and
connect your SG-Link® OEM to the SG-Link® Tester Board. The SG-Link® Tester
Board, a precision instrument designed and manufactured by MicroStrain, incorporates a
selectable bridge configuration (full, half, quarter) coupled with a precision shunt resistor
to test the differential input channel and a 0-3 volt photocell to test the single ended input
channel. Each starter kit is shipped with a Tester Board and a detailed Tester Board
Quick Start Guide.
A word of caution: Strain gauges with resistance below 350 ohm, in particular 120 ohm
gauges, may be used with SG-Link® OEM, although they are not recommended. The
nature of 120 ohm gauges is such that temperature is a critical factor in their performance
and the user should be aware of the effects of temperature on the measurements derived.
Finally, the science and use of strain gauges is a large subject. MicroStrain sales and
support are always available to discuss your particular requirements.