Game Screen
Game Screen
Use the heads-up display (HUD) to keep track of your car’s performance,
your current position on the course, and your pace compared to your
The outer ring of the analog gauge displays
your RPM. The next inner ring displays your speed, and the center
ring section shows your turbo-boost pressure level. Your current gear is
shown at the top of this gauge.
The digital version of this gauge displays your speed and gear as
numerals, with your RPM indicated by a bar graph. You can change
from an analog to a digital gauge by selecting Confi gure HUD from the
in-game Pause menu (see page 13), or by selecting Options from the
Game menu (see page 22).
A clock displays your current total time for this race in the top
right corner of the screen.
Progress Bar:
The progress bar in the top left corner of the screen
displays your current position on the race stage. Like the stage itself,
the bar is divided into sections. If your time on the section is better than
the competition, that section of the progress bar will be colored green.
If you’re behind, it will be red.
Navigational Aids:
Depending on the race type, you’ll be aided either
by pace notes or a course map. Pace notes are visual cues that warn you
of upcoming turns, hazards, and road conditions (see pages 10-11).
You can choose between a map, pace notes, or no aids by selecting
Confi gure HUD from the in-game Pause menu (see page 13), or by select-
ing Options from the Game menu (see page 22). However, you cannot
choose pace notes for Ice Racing or Rallycross races.
In Multiplayer Mode, your HUD confi guration cannot be changed.
Game Screen
Progress Bar
Navigational Aids