Microsoft HoloLens 2 Quick Start Manual Download Page 4

HoloLens 2  - Guide

VR Expert Tips


When the menu is close up

To select something: Tap with your finger in the air and release. 

To scroll: Put your finger on the holographic screen en swipe across the 

content like you would with a normal touchscreen. 

To grab the menu: Pinch your thumb and index finger together on the 

hologram and hold and move the hologram.

Open context menu: Tap with your finger on the hologram in the air and hold. 

When the menu is far up

Air ray:  The ray that appears when you point at something with your index finger  

in the holographic world. 

Air tap Select with air ray and pinch your thumb and index finger together to 


To scroll: Pinch your index and thumb together and drag up and down to 


To grab from far: Point your air ray on the content and make a grab gesture 

to pull the content to or away from you.

Open context menu: Air tap and hold with your air ray to open the context 

menu. (copy paste, delete, etc)

Pressing buttons

Make sure you push deep into  the buttons (holographic keyboard, etc) with your 

fingers when typing, otherwise it won’t react. 

One hand home button trick

It is possible to open your home menu with one hand.


Stare at the home button on the palm of your hand.


Pinch your index finger and thumb together to open the home menu while 

staring at your palm.


Follow me function 

Press on the icon which says “Follow me” on the right top corner of the 


The application will now follow you wherever you go. 

Resizing Holograms


At the corners of the hologram, a resize handle will appear when you hover 

over it with your air ray. 


Pinch the resize handle and hold it.


Drag to make the window bigger or smaller. 
