Solar City
Sometimes referred to as
“Hong Kong Down Under,”
Solar City has a little of
everything to offer and a lot
of Pacifi c Asian fl avor. It also
now houses a giant spaceport,
which seems to be interfering
with the local raceway.
If a compromise between the racing community and the
spaceport can’t be found, Jordan Reynolds might need
to fi nd a new place to call home.
Brackenstowe Vale
Located in the glorious Lake
District, Brackenstowe Vale is
the track for water specialists.
In fact, the heavy terrain
bias of the track has caused
heated debate as to whether
it even should be included in a
world championship—to which Marcus Appleton’s
response has been: “Get a better ship.”
Mount Grauen
This track is unusual, because
there are relatively few artifi cial
surfaces. Mount Grauen is suited
perfectly to Leah Mathias’ light,
off-road optimized vehicle.
Despite her undeniable success
on “The Mountain,” Leah has a
love-hate relationship with her
home course, as this was where her
fi ancé died while racing Max Steinhauer.
Draco Island
Ten years ago, the Pacifi c
island of Draco awoke from
its slumber and spewed a
fi ery column into the sky,
raining lava into the ocean
and declaring its presence in
spectacular style. Not, as most
would say, the best time to buy the island.
But, that’s precisely what the extraordinary Ka Hekili
did. The multi-billionaire pilot spent a fortune acquiring
Draco and converting it into a private playground
and track.
Ka Hekili
You are all fools
to challenge me! I
will crush you like
Ship: Na Kika
Pilot: Ka Hekili
Weapons: Lava