Ui=15VDC Ii=200mADC Uo=15VDC Io=200mADC
Li=0mH Ci=0.0451μF Pi=0.75W Po=0.75W
Fig. 14
The maximum diffused capacities of cable between the transmitter and
safe barrier is Cp = Co-Ci
and diffused inductance is Lp = Lo-Li
6.3.3 The electrical connection method of transmitter with
junction box.
There is terminal block inside of the junction box. Please refer the
defination of the electrical wiring connection as indicated
6.4 The Reference Tube Installation
There is a plastic tube in the transmitter special cable; the back pressure
cavity of gauge sensor is connected to atmosphere by this tube. In the
process of installation and operation, be sure to keep the reference tube
be well connected with the atmosphere. Mud or sand should not be
jammed into the reference tube. Prevent water or other liquid going
through the reference tube to destroy the transmitter.
6.5 Attentions
a) Transmitter should be installed vertically downwards.When used in
moving water,it must be noted that parallel to direction of the flow
of water.
b) There is a plastic tube (the reference tube) in the special
transmitter cables to connect the atmosphere. In installation and
operation, connect the reference tube with the atmosphere