Reset Controller
UG0331 User Guide Revision 15.0
The power up to functional sequence is as follows:
Supply Ramp (VDD, VPP, VDDI, and VDDAPLL) - There is no specific power up or power down
sequencing requirement for SmartFusion2 devices. The I/O banks can be brought-up in any order,
before or after the core voltage. However, the device is only functional if all I/O bank supplies are
On power-up, the POR generator block asserts the PO_RESET_N signal, which is not accessible for
The 1 MHz RC Oscillator is turned-on, which provides the clock to the programmable delay counter.
When the counter reaches its maximum value, the PO_RESET_N signal is de-asserted.
The 1 MHz RC oscillator is gated off and the 50 MHz RC oscillator is enabled and the System
Controller starts operating at 50 MHz clock.
All mandatory I/O bank supplies must be powered-up. For all the IGLOO
2 devices, some of the
bank supplies (VDDIx) must always be powered, even if associated bank I/Os are in unused
condition. For the list of mandatory I/O bank supplies, refer to Table 2 and Table 3 in the
SmartFusion2 and IGLOO2 Board Design Guidelines Application Note
FPGA fabric (LSRAM, uSRAM, and MATH), FDDR, and SERDES are turned-on.
Input buffer is enabled.
POWER_ON_RESET_N signal (generated from the PO_RESET_N signal) is released. This signal
can be used in the design as a reset for the FPGA fabric logic.
Fabric PLL (Fabric CCC) Lock is asserted.
MSS reset (SC_MSS_RESET_N) is released.
MPLL (MSS CCC) Lock is asserted.
MSS to Fabric Reset (MSS_RESET_N_M2F) is released.
Output buffer is enabled.
The Reset Controller Configurator in the MSS Configurator enables the user to expose the
MSS_RESET_N_M2F signal to the fabric. Refer to
How to Use the Reset Controller,
information. In order to simplify the task of initializing a user design in SmartFusion2 devices, Microsemi
provides a CoreResetP soft Reset Controller IP. The CoreResetP handles sequencing of reset signals in
SmartFusion2 devices. The CoreResetP generates a fabric reset signal whenever
POWER_ON_RESET_N is asserted or MSS_RESET_N_M2F is asserted. It is available in the Libero
SoC IP catalog. Refer to
CoreResetP Soft Reset Controller,
page 660 for more information.
Microsemi recommends using the System Builder which automatically creates the 'initialization' sub-
system (all required cores are Instantiated, and connections are made automatically).
Power-Up to Functional Time Data
This section describes power-up to functional time sequence and provides timing numbers based on
DEVRST_N assertion and VDD ramp up.
Parameters Used for Obtaining Power-Up to Functional Time
This section describes the parameters used for obtaining power-up to functional time data. Following are
the test conditions:
Power on reset delay setting: 1 ms
Supply ramp rate: 5 µs
Measurement temperature: 25°C
Power-on reset delay setting indicates how long VDD takes to ramp up. The programmable delay
counter starts counting based on the power-on reset delay setting, oscillator frequency, and period
variability to ensure that the supplies have reached their minimum operating levels.
Supply ramp rate indicates the ramp up rate of on-board VDD core voltage, VPP charge pump voltage,
and VDDA phase-locked loop (PLL) analog voltage supplies.
In all the test cases, I/Os are configured as LVCMOS25, which is the default I/O standard in Libero along
with the other default I/O attribute settings.