MR603b Bottom
MR603b Top
Uplands House, Castle Howard Road, Malton YO17 6NJ
+44 (0)1653 696008
Micron MR603b 2.4GHz DSM2/DSMX Receiver
This document is regular updated and the most recent version may be found online at
where you will be able to view larger versions of the images.
receiver is designed for use in
larger scale model rail locomotives and road
vehicles. It provides a 3A reversible ESC for
brushed motors and 10 auxiliary outputs for
lighting, sound triggers, couplers, etc. It
operates on 2.4GHz and is compatible with
any Spektrum DSM2 or DSMX transmitter including all of the Micron
. The
voltage range is 5V to 20V.
with your transmitter before use. If purchased with a transmitter, it will be
already bound to that transmitter. Once bound, the transmitter should be switched on before the
MR603. If the transmitter is not switched on, MR603 will automatically enter bind mode 10 seconds
after switch on; it may also be configured to bind only manually using pads P5 and P6.
The MR603 free-air range, when used with a Micron low-power transmitter, is 40m-50m and
approximately 200m when used with a full-power (100mW) transmitter. This range will be reduced
indoors due to absorption by furniture / fittings and reflections from metal surfaces. Range is also
reduced if the receiver aerial is in a metal enclosure. Ideally, the aerial should be placed outside the
vehicle body and clear of any metal. The active tip of the extended aerial needs to 'see' the transmitter
so should be placed through a hole in the vehicle body - e.g. into the cab space. The MR603 aerial
should not be cut short or made longer as this will affect operation of the receiver. It is important to
perform a range check after installation to ensure you have full control of your loco/vehicle at all
positions around the layout.
Compatible with all DSM2 and DSMX transmitters with up to 10 R/C channels, both Micron model
rail and aero model stick type transmitters.
5V to 20V working voltage range.
10 auxiliary outputs: 4 x 'F' which are normally open switches capable of passing up to 2A; and 6
x 'P' which are 0V/3.3V logic outputs capable of supplying up to 20mA each. P outputs may also
be configured to drive servos.
Supports the
feature for compatibility with multi-loco transmitters, MR603 must be re-
bound to change Selecta switch position.
4 pre-installed configurations providing a usable set of receiver output to transmitter control
mappings - see
(end of document). When switched on, the receiver LED shows a
flash pattern to indicate which configuration is selected.
Most pre-installed configurations provide auto-switched front and rear LED lights on P1 and P2 or
F1 and F2
The receiver on-board LED can be repeated to any non-servo output (this is called the LED2
Cruise control is enabled by default - the motor keeps running if the transmitter signal is
temporarily lost. Can be disabled using a power-on configuration change or by programming.
All functionality may be configured by programming using a suitable transmitter (most Micron tx
or a stick type model aircraft tx).
Micron R/C, www.micronradiocontrol.co.uk, +44 (0)1653 696008
Micron MR603b 2.4GHz DSM2/DSMX Receiver : 1 of 10