Aim the thermometer at the center of the forehead
with a distance of no more than 5 cm.
Press the START/IO button
and ensure that the
activated blue tracking light is aimed at the center of
the forehead.
After 3 seconds a long beep will verify the
completion of measurement.
6. Read the recorded temperature from the LCD display.
7. For the next measurement remove the thermometer
from the forehead and wait until the «
» icon is
flashing. Follow steps 4-5 above.
8. Press and hold the START/IO button
for 3 seconds
to turn off the device; otherwise the device will automat-
ically switch off after approx. 30 seconds.
Measuring in object mode
1. Press the START/IO button
. The display
is acti-
vated to show all segments for 1 second.
2. Press the MODE button
to switch to object mode.
3. When the «
» or «
» icon is flashing, a beep sound is
heard and the thermometer is ready for measuring
4. Aim the thermometer at the center of the object you want
to measure with a distance of no more than 5 cm.
the START/IO button
After 3 seconds a long beep
will verify the completion of measurement.
5. Read the recorded temperature from the LCD display.
6. For the next measurement wait until the «
» icon
is flashing and follow steps 4-5 above.
7. Press and hold the START/IO button
for 3 seconds
to turn off the device; otherwise the device will automat-
ically switch off after approx. 30 seconds.
Patients and thermometer should stay in similar
room condition for at least 30 minutes.
Don't take a measurement while or immediately after
nursing a baby.
Don't use the thermometer in high humidity environments.
Patients should not drink, eat or exercise before/while
taking the measurement.
Don't move the measurement device from the measu-
ring area before hearing the termination beep.
10 short beeps and a red LCD backlight alert the patient
that he/she may have a temperature equal to or higher
than 37.5 °C.
Always take the temperature in the same location, since
temperature readings may vary according to locations.
Doctors recommend rectal measurement for newborn
infants within the first 6 months, as all other measuring
methods might lead to ambiguous results. If using a non
contact thermometer on those infants, we always recom-
mend verifying the readings with a rectal measurement.
In the following situations it is recommended that three
temperatures are taken with the highest one taken as
the reading:
1. Children under three years of age with a compro-
mised immune system and for whom the presence or
absence of fever is critical.
2. When the user is learning how to use the thermometer
for the first time until he/she has familiarized himself/
herself with the device and obtains consistent readings.
3. If the measurement is surprisingly low.
Readings from different measuring sites should not
be compared as the normal body temperature varies
by measuring site and time of day
, being highest in the
evening and lowest about one hour before waking up.
Normal body temperature ranges:
- Axillar: 34.7 - 37.3 °C / 94.5 - 99.1 °F
- Oral: 35.5 - 37.5 °C / 95.9 - 99.5 °F
- Rectal: 36.6 - 38.0 °C / 97.9 - 100.4 °F
- Microlife NC 400: 35.4 - 37.4 °C / 95.7 - 99.3 °F