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page colors.
The color of each character and its background tile may be set
individually. Simple graphic shapes, outlines, and text boxes may
be created using color background tiles with blank spaces instead
of letters. The unit will remember the current foreground,
background, and page color settings while switched off.
Foreground Color - <F3>
Pressing the <F3> function key calls up a menu of 8 color choices.
Pressing the number key listed before each color will select that
color. Any text typed after this will use the new color. The key
combination of <SHIFT>+<F3> will change the current foreground
color to the next one on the menu without bringing up this menu
screen. Any text already typed will be unaffected by the changes.
Background Color - <F4>
Pressing the <F4> function key calls up a menu of 8 color choices,
plus transparent. Any text typed after this will appear on a
background tile of this color. If transparent is selected, any text
typed after this will appear directly on the video image or solid
color page. The key combination of <SHIFT>+<F4> will change
the current background color to the next one on the menu without
bringing up this menu screen. Any text already typed will be
unaffected by the changes. Note that some combinations of text
and background colors may appear ragged or blurred, particularly
while using composite video, mainly due to the way in which colors
are handled by the monitor.
Display Off - <F7>
Pressing the <F7> function key disables the text display overlay,
showing the incoming video image with no obstructions.
Display on - <F8>
Pressing the <F8> function key enables the text display overlay,
showing text and background color tiles in front of the video
Cursor Off - <F11>
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Pressing the <F11> function key disables the flashing cursor for
readability and aesthetics. The cursor may be set from the main
menu to be either off or on whenever the TLR is powered up.
Cursor on - <F12>
Pressing the <F12> function key activates the flashing cursor to
indicate where any newly typed text will appear. This cursor may
be moved around the screen using the "arrow" or "cursor" keys on
the keyboard. The cursor will also reappear any time new text is
Main Menu - <F10>
The main system menu may be called up using the <F10> function
key. This menu allows access to a series of screens which control
the following functions of the TLR. Pressing the number key listed
before each item will bring up that menu screen. Pressing either
the <0> or <ESCAPE> keys will exit this menu and return the unit
to normal operation.
Color Bars
The Color Bars screen allows the user to display a color bar test
pattern instead of incoming video. This is useful for a basic
systems test when a camera or other signal source is unavailable
or inconvenient. Pressing the number <1> key while in the main
menu will bring up this screen. The current state (ON or OFF) of
the color bar display should appear highlighted. You may then
either press <2> (ON) to display color bars, or <1> (OFF) to
disable color bars and display the incoming video signal. Pressing
<0> or the <ESCAPE> key will exit the menu system without
changing any settings.
Operation Modes Sub Menu
The Operation Modes screen selects between Overlay and Stand
Alone modes. Overlay operation places text over an incoming
video signal, while Stand Alone is used to display text on a solid
background with or without a separate video source. The first
menu option allows the user to choose between the two modes.
The second menu item, Page Color, offers 8 solid page colors for
use in Stand Alone mode.