Finding the COM Port Number
You will need to know the COM port number the MicroLink-HM modem is connected to. To see a list of COM ports
installed on your PC, open the Device Manager and select
View > Devices by Type
. Expand
Ports (COM & LPT)
to see the
list of available COM ports. MicroLink-HM is compa ble with USB to serial converters as well as RS-232 serial ports.
HART Protocol Modem
MicroLink-HM ships con
gured to operate as a HART protocol modem. No addi onal drivers or external power sources
are needed. Simply connect the 9-pin D-sub connector to a standard RS-232 port. Power can also be supplied by the
DTR handshake line or by an external supply. Refer to the
Power Supply
sec on in this manual for details.
MicroLink-HM is compa ble with most HART con
gura on and test so ware. Included on the CD is the Micro
Host applica on.
To func on as a HART protocol modem the serial port is typically set to 1200 baud, odd parity. Most HART so ware
will require this se ng. It is possible to set the serial port to other baud rates and parity se ngs. This is helpful when
connec ng the MicroLink-HM to a device that does not o
er 1200 baud. In this case MicroLink-HM will receive the
HART command at the higher baud rate then transmit the HART data at 1200 baud, odd parity onto the HART loop. The
1200 baud, odd parity HART reply packet is received by the MicroLink-HM modem and then transmi ed back at the
higher baud rate.
If MicroLink-HM is con
gured to Fill Modbus Registers and the serial port detects a HART packet on the RS-232 port,
MicroLink-HM will temporarily switch to HART mode and stop polling devices. HART protocol packets always begin
with the hex FF preamble character. Modbus packets begin with the slave address. If no HART commands are received
over the serial port, MicroLink-HM will return to polling and
lling modbus registers a er 30 seconds. Also, if a modbus
command is received MicroLink will exit HART mode and return to polling and
lling modbus registers.
Connecting to the HART Loop
Connect the two screw terminals to the HART device
or HART loop. Microlink provides electrical isola on
between the HART loop and the serial port so it is safe
to ignore grounding and polarity issues when making
the HART connec ons. The HART protocol requires a
loop resistance of 230 to 600 ohms, typically 250 ohms.
Refer to your equipment installa on instruc ons for
details on connec ng a HART master or con
gura on
device to the loop.
HART Status LED Operation
The LED on the front panel of the MicroLink-HM is used
to monitor HART communica ons ac vity. The LED
will be green while transmi ng or sending a packet to
your HART protocol devices, and will be red when HART
protocol replies are received.
Figure 1. Connecting HART modem to device loop.
Connecting across the loop resistor.
Connecting across the HART device.