dsPICDEM™ 1.1 Development Hardware
2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS70099D-page 65
Emulation Header
Headers J11 and J13-J15 provide a connection to the MPLAB ICE 4000 In-Circuit
Emulator. The emulation headers also support Plug-in Modules containing dsPIC30F,
dsPIC33F, PIC24H and PIC24F devices soldered onto adaptor boards (see
Section 5.1.18). These Plug-in Modules facilitate quick change out of the 80-pin TQFP
The schematic of the Emulation Header is shown in Figure A-2: “dsPICDEM™ 1.1
Plus Development Board Schematic (Sheet 1 of 5)”.
Power Supply
The dsPICDEM™ 1.1 is powered by a +9V AC/DC wall adapter. Se3.3 V/+5V
DC regulators (V
and AV
) are provided to their respective processor pins and
prototyping area. Separate ground planes are connected through a single point.
Jumpers VDD_JMP and AVDD_JMP allow the supplied power source to be bypassed
and alternate supplies to be provided.
The schematics of the power supply circuits are shown in Figure A-3: “dsPICDEM™
1.1 Plus Development Board Schematic (Sheet 2 of 5)”.
Power-on Indicator
A green LED is connected to the input of the regulators to indicate the presence of
power. See Figure A-3: “dsPICDEM™ 1.1 Plus Development Board Schematic
(Sheet 2 of 5)”.
Oscillator Options
• Crystal oscillator (7.3728 MHz) is supplied with the development board.
• Through holes and pads are provided for a user-furnished watch-type crystal and
two capacitors for SOSC1 and SOSC2.
• Socket and pads are provided for an output pull-up resistor for user furnished
oscillator to processor.
• External clock connections from J1.
Jumpers J21 and J22 are used to 3.3V or +5V operation. An incorrect jumper
setting can damage dsPIC30F/33F or PIC24H/24F Plug-In Modules. Configure for +5V
operation with dsPIC30F devices only. Configure for +3.3V operation for all other