Using Pin-Headers
The edge connector footprint on PIC16F15276 Curiosity Nano has a staggered design where each hole is shifted 8
mil (~0.2 mm) off-center. The hole shift allows the use of regular 100 mil pin-headers on the board without soldering.
Once the pin-headers are firmly in place, they can be used in normal applications like pin sockets and prototyping
boards without any issues.
Figure 4-2. Attaching Pin-Headers to the Curiostiy Nano Board
Figure 4-3. Connecting to Curiosity Nano Base for Click boards
Start at one end of the pin-header and gradually insert the header along the length of the board.
Once all the pins are in place, use a flat surface to push them in.
For applications where the pin-headers will be used permanently, it is still recommended to solder
them in place.
Once the pin-headers are in place, they are hard to remove by hand. Use a set of pliers and
carefully remove the pin-headers to avoid damage to the pin-headers and PCB.
There is one yellow user LED available on the PIC16F15276 Curiosity Nano board that can be controlled by either
GPIO or PWM. Driving the connected I/O line to GND can also activate the LED.
Hardware User Guide
2021 Microchip Technology Inc.
User Guide
DS50003143A-page 24